Buongiorno Alberto,
Thanks a lot for those informations, hints and links : it helps a great
Indeed I saw in the paper you linked that RPL glass could be replaced by
plain aluminum, results (considering deposited energy or dose) would not
change a lot.
I have the approximate composition of the dosimeters both RPL and TLD
I'm studying but it's the wrapping materials compositions that are hard
to dig.
Best regards.
Le 05/05/2011 15:09, Alberto Fasso' a écrit :
> Bonjour Sebastien,
> I cannot answer all your questions, but I have found a bit of information
> that can help you.
> Wikipedia: Molecular formula of ABS: (C_8 H_8 · C_4 H_6 · C_3 H_3 N)_n
> http://www.dynalabcorp.com/technical_info_abs.asp: Specific Gravity: 1.04
> That should allow you to define a compound:
> MATERIAL 0.0 0.0 1.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 ABS
> http://www.oecd-nea.org/science/shielding/sinbad/rosti/rosti.htm
> Schott-Jenner DOS2 Radiophotoluminescent dosimeters (RPL): glass rods
> 0.6 cm long and with a 0.1 cm diameter, read with a Toshiba FGD-6
> reader. The composition is the following (in weight %): O-53.7%,
> P-33.4%, Al-4.6%, AG-3.7%, Li-3.7%, B-0.9%
> (same info in
> http://www.iaea.org/inis/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/28/008/28008510.pdf
> The sheet doesn't report the RPL density, but if you ask the NEA Data
> Bank
> to give you the FLUKA input files of the Roesti Experiment in the SINBAD
> data base (files that I don't have anymore) maybe you can find it there).
> I guess you can assume the same density as aluminium.
> Alberto
> On Thu, 5 May 2011, wurth_at_ipno.in2p3.fr wrote:
>> Dear fluka users,
>> This is an indirectly fluka-linked question.
>> I asumed that someone in the community of fluka users could answer to
>> the following questions : of course I searched elsewhere, find some, but
>> not everything I need in order to achieve a proper study.
>> The manufacturer stays strangely silent to my demand...
>> - Materials :
>> 1) I'm looking for materials surrounding the french standard in RPL
>> dosimetry => Does anybody know the composition+approx density of some
>> mixture named "ABS resin" (acrylonitrile butadienne styrene) : I found
>> some general formulae but nothing really usable. It is the plastic box
>> surrounding the glass. If not, is there a similar material that could be
>> defined instead ?
>> 2) I'm looking as well the characteristics of some fine aluminum foil
>> wrapping TLD dosimeters. It is not the usual aluminum foil, but this one
>> will also do the trick, I can't find any useful info as well.
>> - Previous results :
>> 3) About results of such simulations : I found some made at CERN "RPL
>> dosimeter at CERN" but it deals with energies far away of those I'm
>> interested in : 50 keV to 1500-2000 keV at the most.
>> I am not looking to copy the work of anyone, only to have some
>> informations about the comparison (measurements versus fluka) at those
>> energies.
>> Does anyone want to share some information about those matters ?
>> Thank you very much in advance.
>> Best regards.
>> Sebastien.
-- ************************************ Sébastien Wurth Institut de Physique Nucléaire Service compétent en radioprotection Bât. 104, 1er étage, pièce E128 91406 ORSAY Cedex tel. : +33 1 69 15 67 26 mail : wurth_at_ipno.in2p3.fr ************************************Received on Wed May 11 2011 - 15:31:05 CEST
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