Dear all,
I found out that I am starting the particles with 191 keV and 573 keV kinetic
energies which is below the Coulomb barrier. I simply do not see any
secondary particles in my simulation results because there are no
secondaries produced.
-----Original Message-----
From: [
] On Behalf Of Lukas Jaegerhofer
Sent: 29 April 2011 20:19
Subject: Problems starting Tritons as primary particles
Dear all,
I am working on a user routine to simulate the evaporation reaction of
He-3 after being hit from a low energy neutron in a REM counter. For this
purpose I am scoring the energy deposition 308 - low energy neutron KERMA
and write it to a file. In a second step I want to start a Triton and a
Proton in opposite directions from the point where the energy deposition is
taking place.
I have therefore prepared a source.f file, which is attached to this
mail. I am pushing both particles to the stack, a proton (Particle ID: 1)
and a triton (Particle ID:-4).
If I have the triton included in the source.f the program seems to refuse
to transport any secondary particles although the primaries are transported.
If I change IJBEAM=-4 to IJBEAM=1, for example, to a second proton,
secondaries seem to be treated normally.
Thank you for any help, regarding this problem,
Received on Wed May 11 2011 - 15:48:21 CEST
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