Although you have not set it has got set by default.
With Regards,
S. Chatterjee
----- Original Message -----
From: ??? <>
Date: Saturday, May 21, 2011 9:21 am
Subject: Re: the missing x-rays?
> Dear sir/madam,
> Oh,yeah.According to the output file,the cut-off energy for photon
> is about 0.333MeV.But I have not assign this cut-off energy,so is
> it set by default?
> Yours,
> Danny
> ----- ???? -----
> ???:
> ???:
> ??:
> ????: ???, 2011? 5 ? 20? ?? 6:19:07
> ??: Re: the missing x-rays?
> From the output file you can see that the default Pcut in Gd2O3
> and Al2O3 is 0.333 MeV.
> Hence the photons below this energy are not further transported,
> but deposits their energy on the spot. So, You
> have to apply EMFCUT card in the input and set the Pcut
> value at say 20 keV so that you can detect the
> photons from 30 keV to 350 keV.
> Hope this helps.
> With Regards,
> S. Chatterjee
> Scientific Officer,
> TLD Unit, BARC
> Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre,
> 1/AF, Bidhannagar,Kolkata-64
> Off:+91-33-23184207
> Fax:+91-33-23346871
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: ???<>
> Date: Friday, May 20, 2011 12:15 pm
> Subject: the missing x-rays?
> > Dear all,
> >
> > Now I am using a neutron source (with energy equals about 1ev).
> > The target is Gd2O3(the mass number of Gd is 156).
> > Basically,the reaction is as follows:
> > Gd-156 + n -> Gd-157(*)
> > Gd-157(*) -> Gd-157 + gamma .
> > And Gd-157* has a probability of emitting internal conversion
> > electrons and the
> > associated x-rays,which leads to
> > Gd-157(*) -> Gd-157 + conversion e + x-ray .
> > And it is referred that the energy of these x-rays range
> > from about 30 kev to 350 kev.I use FLUKA to simulate this process.
> > I detect the garma fluence transporting from Gd2O3 to Al2O3
> > (both are regions in my input files), but no gamma with the energy
> > lower than about 300 kev is detected.
> > So where are the missing x-rays?
> > My input files and output files are attached.
> >
> > Yours,
> > Danny
Received on Sun May 22 2011 - 12:31:01 CEST
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