Dear Colleagues,
This is a call for papers.
American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting
October 30 - November 3, 2011
Washington DC, Omni Shoreham Hotel
Tracks and sessions will be held in parallel.
Here we highlight two sessions by the Biology& Medicine Division:
* Therapeutic Beams-The Wider I/O Chain
As carbon and proton therapies expand their demographic footprints, ions join the array of particles serving the treatment of cancer. Neutron capture and conventional modalities continue to command dedicated research. This session probes into the weave of supporting I/O (input and output): our account of the phase space comprising the primary and the host of secondary ions/particles, hypotheses extrapolated from clinical, animal and microbial trials, our understanding of nuclear reactions and particle interactions, the compromise that certain details require more care at the expense of others, our belief that certain uncertainties are tolerable, our reliance on nuclear data et cetera.
* Tutorial: Neutron Activation Analysis-Frontiers and Sustained Performance
Submission of summaries: May 1 - June 10
Notification of acceptance: July 25 Revised summaries due: August 9
1. At least 450 words, excluding tables and figures.
2. No more than 900 words, including tables and figures.
3. Count tables and figures as 150 words each. Use no more than three tables or figures.
4. Limit title to ten words; limit listing authors to three or fewer if possible.
5. Exclude references from word count.
Template, guidelines and instructions:
Electronic submission:
Refereed summaries will be published in Trans Am Nucl Soc (ISSN 0003-018X, fully citable).
The ANS Biology and Medicine Division warmly welcomes your participation.
Best wishes,
mary chin
related links:
ANS National Meetings and Embedded Topicals
ANS Biology and Medicine Division
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