... it is actually more complicated. Fission products do not show up in
IBRES and ICRES. The best way to intercept residual nuclei is to make use
of the usrrnc user outine, including common (TRACKR), and checking the
variable LTRACK (=1 <-> primary particle).
| Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + |
| CERN-EN/STI || Fax.: + |
| 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: Alfredo.Ferrari_at_cern.ch |
| Switzerland || |
On Fri, 8 Jul 2011, Mary Chin wrote:
> Hello Mir.
> You may intercept entry USDRAW in usermvax/mgdraw.f, apply the LTRACK.EQ.1
> filter for primaries, and access IBRES and ICRES.
> Here is the line from common TRACKR where LTRACK is defined:
> flukapro/(TRACKR):* Ltrack = flag recording the generation number
> Here are the two lines from the common RESNUC where IBRES and ICRES are
> defined:
> flukapro/(RESNUC):* Icres = residual nucleus atomic number
> flukapro/(RESNUC):* Ibres = residual nucleus mass number
> :) mary
> On Thu, 7 Jul 2011, mir inamul haq jeri wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am interested in resnuclei values of some isotopes of silver like
>> Ag-114.I have already obtained the results of simulation hovever i think
>> that these values are a result of all the interactions(inelastic) due to
>> all the particles leading to the formation of above mentioned isotope.
>> 1. I am however interested in the yields resulting only from primary
>> beam(Protons) beacuse of the fission in the material.hence i was
>> looking into the .out file for fission summary details and i came across
>> following lines
>> "number of high energy fissions generated per beam particle:"
>> prompt radiation radioactive decay
>> 5.####(100%) 0.000(100%)
>> 3.####(0.1%) 0.00(0.0%) generated by 4-helium
>> ............... generated by 3-helium
>> ..............
>> and so on
>> Since there are fissions due to other particles which will contribute to
>> the yield of Ag_114 and i dont want this contribution.
>> how accurate will it be to decrease the resnuclei values of Ag-114 by a
>> factor of fissions contributed by other paricles other than proton.
>> O it would be better if anyone can suggest how to obtain resnuclei
>> values only due to primary beam
>> I will be highly obliged for any answers regarding this matter.
>> Thank you
>> --
Received on Wed Jul 13 2011 - 19:00:06 CEST
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