Please ignore the question. I got it working when I upgraded to gcc/5.4.2
Howard Matis
I am running a new installation of fluka using Gfortran. The ".inp"
file does not crash on a g77 installation. I get the following error message:
Program received signal 8 (SIGFPE): Floating-point exception.
Backtrace for this error:
+ /usr/common/usg/gcc/4.4.2/lib64/ [0x2b6cc7d24696]
+ /usr/common/usg/gcc/4.4.2/lib64/ [0x2b6cc7d25e8e]
+ /usr/common/usg/gcc/4.4.2/lib64/ [0x2b6cc7d24dca]
+ /lib64/ [0x2b6cc84d12d0]
+ /global/homes/m/matis/projlumi/matis/test/ir1_70 [0x407f69]
+ /global/homes/m/matis/projlumi/matis/test/ir1_70 [0x4f2833]
+ /global/homes/m/matis/projlumi/matis/test/ir1_70 [0x4d997d]
+ /global/homes/m/matis/projlumi/matis/test/ir1_70 [0x4d1527]
+ /global/homes/m/matis/projlumi/matis/test/ir1_70 [0x40dcdb]
+ /global/homes/m/matis/projlumi/matis/test/ir1_70 [0x40769c]
+ /lib64/ [0x2b6cc84be994]
+ /global/homes/m/matis/projlumi/matis/test/ir1_70 [0x407599]
Received on Sat Jul 16 2011 - 16:35:17 CEST
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