Dear FLUKA experts,
I am trying to use an irradiation profile with two irradiations and a cooling time in between, but I do not get the expected results. To learn about it, I have now set up two input files which in my understanding should give the same result:
- One has an irradiation followed by a 100 days long "0 particles in beam irradiation" in the IRRPROFI card. I then score at time 0 after the end of the second irradiation
- The other one has just an irradiation defined in the IRRPROFI card, and I score 100 days after its end.
I expect the two to give me the same results, but they don't. Am I misunderstanding something in the way I should use the irradiation profiles and decay times fro scoring in FLUKA?
Cards attached
Best regards, and many thanks for any help
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