Thanks Andrea and Sujoy for pointing out the error. I could run the input
with the energy information in the second card of the USRTRACK.
I got the result without the use of Decay time card which I think (please
correct me if I am wrong) is not required for semi analog mode. In fact in
the trouble shooting exercise, I tried that card too. With a positive
cooling time the run of course does not produce any result and a " decay
(cooling) times defined but analogue decays requested. Ignored !!! " is
In fact in FALIR, you can choose either a cooling time or a semi analoge
mode in DCYSCORE card, not both. For radioactive isotope, you need to have
DCYSCORE card in semi analogue mode.
I have a suggestion to Vasilis here. since FLAIR usually puts a default
upper energy -which is the beam energy- in the continuation card, I am sure
many users leave that card untouched. Since a beam energy is not meaningful
for ISOTOPE Beam (and also for a heavy ion beam), a warning of sort can be
built into the continuation of the scoring cards.
Best regards
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 1:53 PM, <> wrote:
> Dear Sunil,
> The core dump is due to the fact that you have not assigned any Emax to
> USRTRACK card. I have assigned and could get the output. But for using
> isotope beam, there should be DCYTIMES also otherwise the scoring will give
> zero output. The output file is attached for your reference.
> With Regards,
> S. Chatterjee
> Scientific Officer,
> TLD Unit, BARC
> Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre,
> 1/AF, Bidhannagar,Kolkata-64
> Off:+91-33-23184207
> Fax:+91-33-23346871
> Hi All
> I remember Francesco's
the discussion list about using the ISOTOPE SDUM in the Beam card to
> simulate a radioactive source. (
> )
> I was trying such an input (see attachment) and FLUKA crashes with a
> floating point exception, core dumped message.
> I could not find any explanation about anything more to be done when using
> such a source.
> Can someone see what is missing?
> Thanks a lot.
> Sunil
Received on Thu Aug 11 2011 - 12:54:44 CEST
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