I am sorry. Something happend to the attachment so i will first only
send my files and in a second mail again the picture.
2011/8/8 Patrick Dethlof <patrick.dethlof_at_googlemail.com>:
> Hello everybody,
> i send an email before, but i think i did a mistake while sending the mail.
> Additionally i found a mistake in my source.f file which i have corrected.
> So here is my problem.
> I want to work with a discrete photon spectrum. For this a modified
> the source.f file from one of the Fluka courses, so that it produced a
> discrete spectrum.
> I tried the discrete.f file with proton and two Energies with same
> probability and got two Bragg Peaks as expected in the depth dose
> curves. So I think my source is ok.
> Now i am trying the photon spectrum, with the same source file.
> But when i am comparing the depth dose curves of Fluka with other
> programs there are big differences, indeed i am using the same
> spectrum data and the same simulation geometry in every program.
> Is there an additional transport card or something like that which i
> have to use in order to get better results?
> A attached every file and a picture of my comparison, the red dotted
> curve is the data of fluka.
> Thanks for your help and i hope that there will be only this mail and
> not the first one mentioned above. If there will be both, i am sorry.
> Patrick Dethlof
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