Dear Andrew,
The limitation of the volume sizes does not come from the mathematics, in
the sense that you will never use volumes as big as you are allowed to do
(and to answer to your question:
>e.g. is PLA1 XYP 1.0E12 be acceptable?
yes it is).
I did a simple test using a sphere as black hole and increasing the sphere
radius. The limit is fixed by the possibility to solve the equation to
find the boudary. I could increase the radius until 1.E154 (crash at
I repeated the test using a RPP (because in this case a first degree
equation has to be solved instead of a second degree one): I could arrive
until 1.E308 (1.E309 crash).
It's clear that this is a pure exercise without any physical meaning:
considering that the limit of the observable part of our Univers, the
cosmological horizon, is about 13.7 10^9 light years (~ 10^28 cm), I would
say that we can safely simulate every realistic physical volume...
> Dear Flexperts
> Are you aware of any limitation in FLUKA that means there is a limit in
> the size of a given volume.
> Let me clarify, let us say we have a region in space that we want to
> define using 6 planes. Say (+PLA1 -PLA2 +PLA3 -PLA4 +PLA5 -PLA6) for
> example.
> Is there any fundamental limit, other than that of the compiled program
> which cannot accept a double number larger than the machine limit.
> e.g. is PLA1 XYP 1.0E12 be acceptable?
> Thanks
> Andrew
Received on Fri Aug 19 2011 - 09:17:22 CEST
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