> 1) If I set a production energy cut off of 1e-3 via [ EMFCUT, no SDUM, and
> WHAT(1)=1e-3 ], no electron will be produced with total (rest mass + kinetic)
> energy below 1 MeV and no positrons will be produced with total energy below
> 1 MeV.
wrong, what you wrote holds indeed for SDUM=PROD-CUT
> 2) If I set a transport energy cut off of -1e-4, via [ EMFCUT,
> SDUM=TRANSPORT and WHAT(1)= -1e-4 ], electrons and positrons will be
> transported down to a kinetic energy of 100 keV.
wrong again, since SDUM=TRANSPORT does not exist and what you wrote
here holds for SDUM blank
Received on Thu Aug 25 2011 - 09:27:23 CEST
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