it's difficult to answer without the input file and the routines -)
One possibility : did you put in the input an OPT-PROP card to activate
the calls to the user routines?
On 09/09/2011 01:51 PM, stefano pioli wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm working with optical fibers and I need to score photons
> transported in the limit angle. The fibers extend along the x-axis so
> I control values of Cxtrck ("direction cosines of the current
> particle") contained in the TRACKR common. I realized that most of the
> optical photons go through the regions while maintaining the same
> direction cosines at the boundary crossing and they move to the next
> medium (is it right?...it seems to me that the laws of optics are not
> taken into account).
> Currently I produce optical photons (Fluka id = -1) and use the
> routines source.f, abscff.f, dffcff.f, rfrndx.f and mgdraw.f. Where am
> I doing wrong? Should I add something?
> Thanks, Stefano
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