Dear Thomas,
THANK you very much. This is a nice table summarizing many parameters.
I was initially concerned with the French
content since I don't speak French but the table contains mostly letters
and numbers.
I have also found an English translation of the document:
I am now looking into converting the table (in Appendix 3) into a
readable format for processing with a python scripts
for example.
Best wishes,
On 11-09-13 12:58 PM, Thomas Otto (CERN) wrote:
> Hello Mina,
> that depends how "exotic" the nucleus is ... I have a reference covering
> all those with a half-life> 2 minutes: Annex 3 of
> . That should be o.k. for an
> estimation of the dose equivalent rate from the gas container at times
> after turn-off of the facility.
> Regards, Thomas
> On 13.09.2011 20:21, Mina Nozar wrote:
>> Dear Thomas and Joachim,
>> Thank you for your responses.
>> I have been doing post processing with the outputs of the res. nuclei
>> estimator for isotope production, activities, and dose rates (mainly
>> to look at the time evolution of activities and dose rates) so I can
>> do what you have suggested. Is there a table of gamma factors for
>> rare isotopes? Fluka must have a list/table already, no?
>> Thanks and best wishes,
>> Mina
>> On 11-09-08 11:59 PM, Thomas Otto wrote:
>>> You can write an offline program which filters the relevant lines,
>>> identified by A and Z, from the average output files from RESNUC
>>> generated by usrsuw.f . Since the gases are collected in a container,
>>> you can get an estimate of the (ambient) dose rate by multiplying the
>>> activities thus obtained with the gamma-constant, i.e. the dose rate per
>>> unit activity, and with 1/distance^2.
>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>> Thomas Otto
>>> Safety Officer Technology Department
>>> TE-HDO
>>> CERN
>>> CH-1211 Geneve 23
>>> Tel (+41)(0) 22 76 73272
>>> GSM (+41)(0) 76 487 0648
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