Thank you Paola.
I think I am confusing particle density with particle track length density (which is fluence).
The reason I am looking at beam particle fluence in a given volume is to confirm my calculation for the amount of an
Aluminium or Copper slab necessary to stop remaining electrons after going through a Tantalum converter and before
reaching a depleted Uranium target.
So I look at the beam particle fluence density distribution using the usrbin estimator. I still see beam particles
(beam particle fluence) after using the right amount of Al or Cu in the target region and I am wondering what is going
on. Is this the right distribution to look at for my purposes?
I also scored beam particle star density (stars/cm^3*prim) distribution using the usrbin estimator which should be
equivalent to beam particles since stars is the defined as the number of inelastic interactions caused by a beam
particle. I have results for that today and will check.
Thanks and best wishes,
On 11-10-07 05:27 AM, Paola Sala wrote:
> yes
> ________________________________________
> From: [] on behalf of Mina Nozar []
> Sent: 07 October 2011 00:53
> To:
> Subject: usrbin and beamparticles
> Hello everyone,
> If I am scoring beam particles via the following usrbin estimator card,
> USRBIN 10. BEAMPART -74. 3.0 3.0 10.BeamPDis
> Is the result, beam particle fluence in beam particles/(cm^2*primary)?
> Thanks,
> Mina
Received on Fri Oct 07 2011 - 20:17:13 CEST
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