As far as I know It is not possible to define a torus with FLUKA. None of
the existing body types ( corresponds to a torus.
Note also that a torus is a quartic (not a quadric) so I cannot be even described by the generic QUA body.
A way around this is to approach your torus by a series of stacked rings of different width or by a string
of cylinders at small angles with respect to the neighboring one. Also, I remember that Alberto Fasso had
developed and implementation of the torus for FLUKA.
From: [] On Behalf Of []
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 7:43 PM
Subject: Difficulty in defining the geometry
Hello everybody:
I would like to define a torus in the FLUKA, is it possible?
If yes, what is the input card ?
Thanks for answering.
Best reagrds
Hongli Wu
Received on Thu Oct 13 2011 - 12:03:50 CEST
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