Thank you!
We traced the problem to tcl-devel and geoviewer now works.
I don't know if this is a general problem, but I just want to let the
developers know that rpm installation did not catch this.
Oscar Frasciello wrote:
> Dear George,
> did you install libc6 and libc6-dev packages in your system?
> Anyway you should had get some corresponding worning messages
> during geoviewer 'make' compilation. I use Debian wheezy and all works fine.
> Try to unpack the tar.gz and compile, instead of using rpm packages.
> Cheers
> Oscar
> Il 17/11/2011 21:20, George Kharashvili ha scritto:
>> Dear FLUKA experts,
>> While flair-geoviewer-0.9-4 used to work just fine on my 64-bit system,
>> I'm having problems with the 0.9-5 version.
>> flair-geoviewer-0.9-5.x86_64.rpm package installs without any problems,
>> but when I start flair, I get this message: Error: /lib64/
>> version `GLIB_2.14' not found (required by /usr/local/flair/
>> I was wondering if others had experienced the same problem and if there
>> are any suggestions on how to resolve it.
>> Thanks,
>> - George
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