Dear FLUKA experts,
up to now I got only one error:
At line 195 of file flrm64.f (unit = 2, file = '')
Fortran runtime error: Interrupted system call
Backtrace for this error:
+ /usr/lib/ [0x2aeed96e6226]
+ /usr/lib/ [0x2aeed96e7ade]
+ /usr/lib/ [0x2aeed96e7d58]
+ /usr/lib/ [0x2aeed9789aae]
+ /usr/lib/ [0x2aeed978f490]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x94ec70]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x94fdfd]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x950aef]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x82961a]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x80cc9b]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x40c98c]
+ /lib/ [0x2aeed9e73c8d]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x40c889]
But the other jobs still run.
Best regards
From: on behalf of Senger, Anna Dr.
Sent: Tue 07/02/2012 10:12
Subject: new FLUKA respin
Dear FLUKA experts,
thank you for fast work. I already tested new respin with my test-input.
There were no problems or errors. Now I will run 500 000 jobs for full
testing. I hope, the problem is resolved.
Best regards
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