Hi Mohammad,
You cannot use LOW-MAT card with COMPOUNDS, but only with ISOTOPES.
Also there is no need to put the LOW-MAT card for ISOTOPES even if they are
not in the standard 25 predefined materials in FLUKA (e.g.. PHOSPHO) if you
use the material names of section 10.4
You only need to use LOW-MAT in case of a special cross section request (e.g.,
lower temperature, Self Shielded etc...) or you want to define an material
based on an isotope that the name you use is not the standard as the names
in the 10.4 section of the manual. e.g. You create an iron material named 'Fe'
instead of 'IRON', then you have to make the correspondence of the 'Fe' material
with the neutron cross section using LOW-MAT.
Since the flair composition of Brass and Steel depends on standard isotopes
(if flair correctly adds them with a name that FLUKA understands) there is
NO need to put any LOW-MAT card.
Received on Wed Mar 21 2012 - 14:41:32 CET
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