Hi Anna,
I don't for which reason the map shows that you have linked the full fluka
executable with all dependencies instead of the usbsuw main function.
First verify which gfortran version you have with gfortran -dumpversion.
Note that for the 4.5 and 4.6 you have different fluka2011....tar.gz files
on the fluka web site.
Please do the following
export FLUPRO=....whatever...
export FLUFOR=gfortran
make clean
From: Senger, Anna Dr. [A.Senger_at_gsi.de]
Sent: 22 March 2012 08:45
To: Vasilis Vlachoudis; fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Subject: AW: FLUKA 2011.2.11 respin February 6th 2012: usbsuw
Dear Vasilis,
may be, it is not so important, but the map files are different for g77 and gfortran (see attachment).
Best regards
Von: Vasilis Vlachoudis [Vasilis.Vlachoudis_at_cern.ch]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 21. M=E4rz 2012 17:35
An: Senger, Anna Dr.; fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Betreff: RE: FLUKA 2011.2.11 respin February 6th 2012: usbsuw
Dear Anna,
how did you compile and link the usbsuw utility.
The recommended way is through the makefile that is supplied with FLUKA.
I have the feeling that you compiled with the lfluka and you linked the FLUKA main function instead of the usbsuw one.
From: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it [owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it] on be=
half of Senger, Anna Dr. [A.Senger_at_gsi.de]
Sent: 21 March 2012 11:04
To: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Subject: FLUKA 2011.2.11 respin February 6th 2012: usbsuw
Dear FLUKA experts.
I use FLUKA 2011.2.11 respin: February 6th 2012 (gfortran). If I try to sum
my files with usbsuw, I get:
FLUKA User license
but I don't get
Type the input file:
I try simply write the file name, but the usbsuw breaks.
Best regards
Anna Senger
Received on Thu Mar 22 2012 - 11:13:02 CET
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