What do your MULSOPT, MCSTHRES cards look like? Do you have PART-THR
set as well? You might be inadvertently cutting off transport below 10
MeV using that card as well.
In regards to obtaining just the initial recoil kinetic energy, I have
yet to do this, but in MGDRAW under EEDRAW it provides an Icode for
target recoils under Kaskad. You can probably do something with this.
Also, you really should attach the input file.
Not an expert, just a user,
Nicholas Bolibruch
Canadian Light Source Inc.
Instrumentation Analyst
Controls & Instrumentation Development
+1 306 657 3643
On Thu, 2012-03-29 at 17:53 +0100, Ian Dawson wrote:
> hi, any takers?
> cheers, ian
> Begin forwarded message:
> > From: Ian Dawson<ian.dawson_at_cern.ch>
> > Date: 29 February 2012 00:50:53 GMT
> > To:<fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org>
> > Subject: target recoil energies
> >
> > Dear Experts,
> >
> > I want to look at target recoil energies from proton scatters in fluka
> > using mgdraw. Above 10MeV I see lots of nice nuclear elastic and
> > inelastic scatters using usdraw. But below 10MeV I'm not finding any
> > target recoils when I expect coulomb scattering to come in to play. (In
> > addition to PRECISION, I switched on single coulomb scattering.) Is it
> > possible to get the target recoil energy from single coulomb scattering
> > in Fluka? If so, how? Note I'm not interested in the transport of the
> > recoils, just their initial kinetic energies.
> >
> > Thanks, Ian
> >
Received on Sat Mar 31 2012 - 16:40:57 CEST
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