Dear User,
If I have understood correctly your email...The statistical errors are in
% and I think that you have really small statistical error: 4.9309E-03%,
i.e. for you energy deposition results ~6.3E-12 GeV/cm3.
> Dear Fluka users,
> I have a question to consult you:
> I want to calculate the absorbed dose and the energy deposition of my
> shielding material
> "fpz8" for 252Cf neutron source.
> After I run 998 cycles with the number of prima! ry histories 5e-6, the
> absorbed dose that reads from the file
> "fpz8-clone_usrbin_24.lis" is: 1.2784E-07 GeV/g and the percentage
> statistical errors is 4.9307E-03%;
> the energy deposition that reads from the file "fpz8-clone_usrbin_25.lis"
> is: 2.8547E-07 GeV/cm3
> and the percentage statistical errors is 4.9309E-03%.
> Now, I am confused that
> A) whether the absorbed dose value deviation is +/-1.2784E-07กม4.9307E-03%
> GeV/g
> or is just +/-4.9307E-03% GeV/g when drawing the error bars.
> B) whether the energy deposition value deviation is
> +/-2.8547E-07กม4.9309E-03% GeV/cm3
> or is just +/-4.9309E-03% GeV/cm3 when drawing the error bars.
> If the deviation is just the percentage ! statistical errors,
> My question is why the percentage statistical errors are so large? Is my
> calculation right ?
> I have attached my input and output files.
> Thanks in advance and any help will be appreciated!
> Z.F. Lee
Received on Thu Apr 05 2012 - 08:06:23 CEST
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