Hallo Lee,
first, your b) question: yes, the energy deposition (ENERGY) is expressed in
GeV/cm3 per unit primary weight and absorbed doses (DOSE) are expressed in
GeV/g per unit primary weight (see on the manual the note 5 of the USRBIN card
I gave a rapid look at your input. I think you don't need AUXSCORE in your
last two USRBIN card: apparently you don't want to filter any particular
contribution (you put in both cases the default value what(2)=ALL-PART in the
continuation card) and in addition in the second case sdum=AMB74 dose not make
sense (sdum=AMB74 can be used only with dose equivalent (DOSE-EQ) scoring, to
select the set of conversion coefficients that give H*(10) from ICRP74 and
Pelliccioni data).
Hope it helps,
Am Sun, 15 Apr 2012 12:12:10 +0200 schrieb lzfneu_at_live.com:
> Dear Fluka users,
> I have a question to consult you:I want to calculate the absorbed dose and
> energy deposition of my shielding material "fpz8" for 252Cf neutron source.I
>am confused thata)
> whether my input file is right ? b) whether the unit of the result of the
>shielding material "fpz8" for
> energy deposition is "GeV/cm3"; for absorbtion dose is "GeV/g" per primary
>neutron ?
> I have attached my input file in the attachment.
> Thanks in advance and any help will be appreciated!
> Lee.
Received on Mon Apr 16 2012 - 09:26:33 CEST
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