Dear Mohammad, I deeply apologize as I come to your request to the list
so late,
I see from the flair file you have a comscw.f which you didn't include
in the mail so I can't run exactly your executable.
Divergence is the correct approach, mind that you will obtain a
"circular" distribution in this case.
And yes you can use a source routine to generate directly your
rectangular 20x20 particle distribution at the snout.
You can (for example) score proton fluence at the snout to check the
uniformity of your beam, or save the particle at a boundary crossing
using ad USERDUMP card + mgdraw routine etc...
On 21/04/2012 23:38, Mohammad Islam wrote:
> Dear Fluka Experts,
> My sincere gratitude to Mr. Vasilis for his previous help.
> I am trying to model a problem for a simplified snout, where I am
> finding problem in beam definition. My problem is, *I want the start
> of proton source as a point source and at 200 cm downstream the beam
> should be uniformly distributed in a rectangular cone which covers
> 20X20 cm area*. I dont know how to do it, I initially thought the BEAM
> card with appropriate divergence can handle this problem. But I
> guess,I am wrong. Do I need to use source routine? If so, please some
> body help me with an example as I am fairly new to fluka. All my work
> is done using FLAIR.
> Any kind of help is appreciated. Attached is my input and flair file.
> Sincerely
> Mohammad
> PhD student, Oklahoma State University
-- Dr. Vittorio Boccone - University of Geneva o Address: UniGe: Département de physique nucléaire et corpusculaire 24 Quai Ernest-Ansermet, CH-1211 Geneve 4, Switzerland CERN: CERN, CH-1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland o E-mail: o Phone: Mobile: +41 76 487 5737 UniGe: +41 22 379 6357/6353 CERN: +41 22 767 5821Received on Tue May 15 2012 - 12:45:38 CEST
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