I'm struggling with geometry problems and ran into a flaw in fluka
geometry output. The interpreted body echo in the .out-file is
inconsistent with input, at least with PLA-bodies, but this is probably
only output problem since flair draws geometry right and results are
reasonable. Below is one example from my case:
PLA r1 68 -0.86602540E+00 0.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.94050000E+02 0.00000000E+00 675
Interpreted body echo
Body n. 68 PLA r1 Rot. 0
-0.8660254 0.5000000 0.000000
-47.02500 0.000000 0.000000
The intersection with x-axis happens actually at 54.29979, now it is just
half of the y-value of input line.
-Lauri Rintala
Received on Wed May 16 2012 - 12:20:50 CEST
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