Hello Julie,
I am sending this to the list as well because I don't want to give you any incorrect answers as I am not a FLUKA expert.
I actually have never scored DOSE-EQ crossing a boundary using a USRBDX estimator but I have scored DOSE-EQ in a volume
using a USRTRACK estimator. Here, I'll give a shot at an answer to your question, hoping other FLUKA experts would
correct me if they see something wrong.
If you used Neutrons instead of DOSE-EQ in Part and without the AUXSCORE card, you would be scoring Neutrons crossing
the boundary. The units in sum.lis file would be Neutrons/cm^2/prim. If you don't give the area of the boundary (def.
1), the units are Neutrons/prim. If you know the primary beam intensity (prim/sec), you can give this as a
normalization factor in the Norm box and you'll get Neutrons/sec.
Here you are using a USRBDX estimator, scoring DOSE-EQ from neutrons crossing a boundary between regions sp15 and
DOS318. The area of the boundary has to be set (which in your case is 27925.268 cm^2). When you plot this distribution
in flair, the units are in PSv/GeV/cm^2/prim (if you plot Y for Y) and PSv/cm^2/prim if you plot (Y*DX for Y). The sum
of the DOSE-EQ reported in the sum.lis file should be in pSv/GeV/prim.
When scoring DOSE-EQ, you should ignore the units in the sum.lis and tab.lis files since these units do not take into
account the conversion factors applied (PSv*cm^2). I would assume this would be true for other quantities where a set
of conversion factors is applied via an AUXSCORE card. This is very confusing for a beginner (and in my humble opinion
not a good practice). I would hope future changes in FLUKA would correct this feature.
As a side, it is a good practice to look at the particle fluence in a given volume or crossing boundaries as well as the
DOSE-EQ, just to see what the "raw" distribution looks like before any conversion coefficients are applied.
I hope this helps Julie.
Best wishes,
On 12-06-04 01:40 AM, Julie Barbier wrote:
> Hi Mina,
> I am a new Fluka user and I saw you asked the same question I have now.
> I actually want to observe neutron ambient dose equivalent and I used :
> USRBDX 101. DOSE-EQ -38. sp15 DOS318 27925.268bdx575
> USRBDX 1. 0. 100. 6.283185 0. 6.&
> In the sum.lis it's indicates :
> Tot. resp. (Part/cmq/pr) 1.6257963E-03 +/- 0.6990718 %
> ( --> (Part/pr) 2.837550 +/- 0.6990718 % )
> Should I understand that is in fact pSv/cm/pr and pSv/pr ? Or is it the "real" fluence ?
> Best regards,
> Julie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it [mailto:owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it] On Behalf Of Mina Nozar
> Sent: jeudi 31 mai 2012 18:49
> To: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
> Subject: FlUKA 2011.2.13 and FLAIR 0.9-9
> Hello everyone,
> I see new versions of both FLUKA and FLAIR available for download but have not received any release messages.
> Should we upgrade to the latest versions?
> Thanks and best wishes,
> Mina
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