Dear Julie,
see Alfredo's mail to me from a while ago, when he added Lutetium to it.
You should find Lutetium in the library.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Alfredo Ferrari <>
> Subject: Re: nomi per Lutetzio
> Date: 5 July 2011 17:16:31 CEST
> To: Francesca Nessi-Tedaldi <>
> Cc: Alfredo Ferrari <>
> Reply-To: Alfredo Ferrari <>
> Ciao Francesca
> I am not completely sure I understand the question, I put naturalLutetium in the library,
> combining 97.41% os 175-Lu and 2.59% of 176-Lu, and the
> name is "LUTETIUM". Which info were you looking for?
> Ciao
> Alfredo
> On Tue, 5 Jul 2011, Francesca Nessi-Tedaldi wrote:
>> Dear Alfredo,
>> could you please tell me the names for 176Lutetium and 175 Lutetium
>> you used in the low-neutron cross-section library or is there a way to
>> look inside it)?
>> Grazie mille
>> Francesca
On 25 Jul 2012, at 10:51, Julie Barbier wrote:
> Dear fluka experts,
> I need to work with LYSO material wich is a compound material with lutetium
> and the modelisation stops because of the absence of lutetium in the library.
> What do you advise me to do to solve my issue ?
> Best regards,
> Julie
Received on Wed Jul 25 2012 - 16:54:20 CEST
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