Dear Marco,
> I would like to ask you if we can use FLUKA to estimate the flux and
> energy spectrum of neutrons produced via
> - spontaneous fission (of 238U)
no, the only decay radiation generated and transported by FLUKA so far,
consists in electrons, positrons, (neutrinos) and photons from beta and
gamma decays. Neither alpha decay nor spontaneous fission is explicitly
simulated. This may also be relevant to the recent question from Oleg
concerning the chain from the 242Am metastable state
which can be input as such (negative WHAT(3) of the HI-PROPE card) but
will deliver only the electromagnetic products.
> - alpha-n reactions (in various materials)
The mentioned BME package is indeed embedded in the distributed FLUKA.2011
and can in principle handle alpha induced reactions down to threshold
energy. However, in case of alpha projectiles pre-equilibrium emissions
are not included (they will be there in the next minor/major release) and
this may significantly affect some observables (e.g. heavy residue
excitation functions at low incident energies, whereas neutron spectra
from 400 MeV alphas on carbon have been found to be reasonably well
Kind regards
Francesco Cerutti
CH-1211 Geneva 23
tel. ++41 22 7678962
fax ++41 22 7668854
On Thu, 26 Jul 2012, Marco Selvi wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to ask you if we can use FLUKA to estimate the flux and
> energy spectrum of neutrons produced via
> - alpha-n reactions (in various materials)
> - spontaneous fission (of 238U)
> Are those processes taken into account in FLUKA ?
> From a previous message in the mailing list (it was 12 March 2010 by
> Paola Sala)
> I understand that a new package (BME) has to be installed , but it was
> not completely tested at the time.
> Is the situation somehow changed ?
> Thank you very much !
> Best,
> Marco Selvi - INFN Bologna
Received on Mon Jul 30 2012 - 09:55:45 CEST
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