Dear Mina
> My confusion is with the use of terms "analogue" and "analytic". Reading
> Note 1, I see 'In the "activation study
> mode, the time evolution is calculated analytically'. I took this to mean
> direct calculation using Bateman equations.
you are right in pointing at the difference between analogue and analytic,
which, far from being synonyms, refer here to the two available
alternatives (RADDECAY WHAT(1)>1 and =1, respectively).
To some extent you are also right in interpreting the note: the mentioned
weights (-> radioisotope populations as a function of cooling time) are in
fact calculated using Bateman equations for the activation study
(analytic) mode.
> The manual should be corrected to say:
> WHAT(3) : number of \replicas" of the decay of each individual residual
> = 0.0: ignored
> < 0.0: reset to default
> Default = 1.0 for semi-analogue mode, 3.0 otherwise
you are eventually right on that too ;-)
> I understand your description on how DOSE-Eq is calculated. I recently did a
> study trying to understand the effect of the # of primaries/run and # of runs
> and/or cycles (batches) on the errors in the time evolution of the dose
> rates. The results did not make sense to me. I will post this in another
> thread. Maybe someone can shed some light.
Looking forward
Received on Sat Aug 04 2012 - 13:45:55 CEST
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