Thanks. I removed the older versions. However when I installed tne new
versions of flair and geoviewer (i386) I get the attached error.m Should
I be using the src version and doing a rebuild?
On Thu, 2012-09-20 at 11:30 +0200, Patrick Dethlof wrote:
> I can support Thanasis. I installed the newest version of Flair with
> same problem and same solution.
> 2012/9/20 Nisy Elizabeth Ipe <>
> I have the older versions of the rpms of FLUKA and Flair on
> Fedora 15. I
> downloaded the current rpm versions of FLUKA and FLAIR and did
> a test
> installation. FLUKa worked but FLAIR failed. Here's what I
> got.
> [nisy_at_localhost Downloads]$ ls
> firefox flair-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
> firefox-15.0.1.tar.bz2 fluka-2011.2-15.i686.rpm
> [nisy_at_localhost Downloads]$ rpm -U --test
> fluka-2011.2-15.i686.rpm
> [nisy_at_localhost Downloads]$ rpm -U --test
> flair-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
> error: Failed dependencies:
> flair = 0.9-4 is needed by (installed)
> flair-geoviewer-0.9-4.i386
> How do I fix this?
> Thanks,
> Nisy
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