How to setup multiple runs in two separate directories?

From: Mina Nozar <>
Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2012 15:58:56 -0700

Hello everyone.

I have a setup with two beamlines (at angles WRT the cyclotron port) with a different target material for each beam.
Lets say two cases, case1 (Mo target) and case2 (O18 target).

I know I can setup the beam to be different (angles, energies, shapes), using directives to choose case1 or case2 during
execution. But how can I setup the directory structure such that the output files for each case go into the two
respective subdirectories?

So at the end, I would end up with subdirectories, case1 and case2:

case1: Mo*.fort Mo*.out Mo*.log Mo*.err
case2: O18*fort O18*out O18*log O18*err

Thank you very much,
Received on Wed Oct 10 2012 - 09:42:07 CEST

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