Dear Nicola
you are right, invoking PEANUT via SPECSOUR to simulate a hadron-nucleus
[hA] collision (which is what PEANUT handles) as source event, leads to a
crash due an initialization bug, to be fixed soon. DPMJET works correctly,
but it applies to hA above 20 TeV (proj kin energy in the reference system
with target at rest).
As side remarks, note that i. a source user routine is obviously not
compatible with the special source internal routine activated via SPECSOUR
and ii. SPECSOUR WHAT(12) is the mass number of the second beam particle
(and not the mass in nuclear mass units) and therefore must be an integer
Francesco Cerutti
CH-1211 Geneva 23
tel. ++41 22 7678962
fax ++41 22 7668854
On Wed, 3 Oct 2012, wrote:
> Dear FLUKA team,
> I found a crash running FLUKA with proton-heavy nuclei (i.e. beam-beam)
> using specsour with sdum=ppsource. The error message is:
> mazziot_at_gridba14>$FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -e emissflukadpm -N0 -M1 pX_dpm
> $FLUPRO = /lustre/home/mazziot/Fluka/fluka2011.2.14
> $PEMF =
> /lustre/home/mazziot/Fluka/fluka2011.2.14/libec_thihecufealw_10t.pemf
> Initial seed copied from /lustre/home/mazziot/Fluka/fluka2011.2.14
> Running fluka in /lustre/home/mazziot/Fluka/Emissivity/fluka_24994
> ======================= Running FLUKA for cycle # 1 =======================
> /lustre/home/mazziot/Fluka/fluka2011.2.14/flutil/rfluka: line 358: 25023
> Aborted (core dumped) "${EXE}" < "$INPN" 2> "$LOGF" > "$LOGF"
> Attached are the input and the geometry files. I am using user files
> mgdraw.f source.f usrein.f usreou.f usrini.f usrout.f to write the
> output data (taken from the example
> and DPMJET
> option (i.e. using $FLUPRO/flutil/ldpmqmd -m fluka -C usrini.o usrout.o
> mgdraw.o usrein.o usreou.o -o emissflukadpm). Indeed I also found the
> same crash running without the DPMJET option.
> It works fine with proton-proton beam and it seems that removing the line
> PHYSICS 1.D+06 1.D+06 1.D+06 1.D+06 1.D+06 1.D+06PEATHRES
> it works fine for heavy nuclei too.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> Nicola
Received on Fri Oct 12 2012 - 10:07:35 CEST
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