Thank you Vasilis.
Just updated fluka to 2011.2.16 and tried to make the 1D projection plots via flair. It works fine!
Best wishes,
On 12-11-14 01:18 PM, Vasilis Vlachoudis wrote:
> Hi Mina,
> in the last respin of fluka we modified the USRBIN processing program $FLUPRO/flutil/gplevbin, to generate an output format compatible with
> the _tab.lis files (from usxsuw, and ustsuw) in order to be able to superimpose withing the same USR-1d plot many USRBIN 1D projections.
> Therefore to get the correct plot you need fluka and flair to be the latest version.
> Sorry for the confusion
> Vasilis Vlachoudis
> Dep EN, CERN
> CH-1211 GENEVA 23
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