Dear Hamideh
May I invite you to read the article by M.Pellicioni
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
Vol. 88, No. 4, pp. 279297 (2000)
that descibes in detail how these conversion coefficients were obtained.
On Thu, 15 Nov 2012, Hamideh Jalali wrote:
> Dear Fluka experts
> In my problem a 3 GeV electron beam strikes target and I am going to score
> neutron dose equivalent by using USRBIN with particle dose-eq and filter
> it for neutrons by AUXSCORE card with sdum AMB74.
> But there is something vague to me. Please explain how the values of the
> quality factor have been assigned for neutrons of energy below 20 MeV where
> Fluka uses the kerma factors for the energy depositions(if I am not wrong).
> Thanks in Advance
> Hamideh
Received on Thu Nov 15 2012 - 21:00:14 CET
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