Hi Vahan,
The results of eq-dose on the prompt part of the calculation are in pSv/primary and on the decay part pSv/sec
USERWEIGht allows the user to modify the scoring quantity before the scoring takes place by enabling the call to fluscw and to comscw user routines. e.g. apply the efficiency of your detector, make USRBIN fluence plots with cuts in energy etc..
concerning PHOTONUC your assumption is correct 20MeV is too low, however I would leave 1.0.
From: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it [owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it] on behalf of Vahan Petrosyan [vpetrosyan_at_asls.candle.am]
Sent: 20 November 2012 06:40
To: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Subject: Can't Calculate Residual Dose Rate, It always ZERO, Need Help!
many thanks! I was able to use it properly using your advice.
one more question about residual dose.
If I have for example 100pC charge per second and set it in IRRPROFI
(6.5*10^8) are this results for that charge already in units pSv/h?
I mean what is a unit of the residual (USERBIN) Eq. DOSE given by fluka?
is it pSv/hour ?
what role does play card USERWEIG? when should I use it and with what
I want to ask question about PHOTONUC card option WHAT(1).
If I set What(1) 1, or 2 results are the same and I think that it is
because of my electron beam initial energy is about 0.02Gev ie. there is
no so high energy particles in order to activate it.
My question is If I set WHAT(1) to 1/On, and I have low energy beam will
results be wrong? I mean activating photonuclear interactions ONLY (as
it said in fluka input options E > 0.7 Gev ) at higher energy ranges
calculations will miss something for 0.02Gev electron beam which is
mush less than 0.7 Gev.
On 18.11.2012 21:40, Stefan Roesler wrote:
> Dear Vahan
> With an electron beam you should not kill the electromagnetic cascade for
> the prompt radiation... Thus, remove RADDECAY/What(5)=99999.
> Otherwise, note that your steel SS316LN has index 30 which is beyond
> lead.
> Thus, if you are interested in photonuclear interactions in steel please
> use instead of LEAD the generic variable @LASTMAT
> Are you sure about the setting of What(1), i.e., excluding high-energy
> and
> quasi deuteron processes? I suggest to use PHOTONUC/What(1)=1
> Best regards
> Stefan
> On Fri, 16 Nov 2012, Vahan Petrosyan wrote:
>> Hi I tried to calculate residual dose rate according to this tutorial
>> but have problems.
>> http://www.fluka.org/content/course/NEA/lectures/Activation.pdf
>> I switched on all necessary cards (RADDECCAY, IRRPROFI, DCYTIMES,
>> DCYSCORE ) and linked USRBIN, RESNUCLEI scoring cards with appropriate
>> dacay times, and FLUKA runs without errors!
>> The problem that I get all ZEROS in reporting plots of USERBIN,
>> RESNUCLEI (in my case type Eq. Dose), and even more for any type of
>> scored quantity not only Eq. Dose
>> I also attached my input file if You have time please take a look.
>> Thanks!
Received on Tue Nov 27 2012 - 09:52:07 CET
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