Re: Comparable Fluka and GEANT4 Data for the Thermal Neutrons Detection!
Dear Jamil & Kim Hyeon Gi,
you used natural boron (BORON) and associated to it the 10B cross
sections, this does not work.
---> In order to explicitly produce an alpha and 7Li ion pair from the
neutron interaction on 10B, you must define a monoisotope material named
BORON-10 (do not fill the atomic weight [WHAT(2)] - that it is always
better to leave blank -, but the mass number [WHAT(6)=10.0]) and if needed
combine it with BORON-11 (to be defined as well) into a natural boron
---> Then ask for ion (i.e. alpha and 7Li) transport with IONTRANS and set
an appropriate ion transport threshold with PART-THR applied to 4-HELIUM
(7Li will get the same energy per nucleon threshold, see Note 2 of the
PART-THR card).
---> Moreover, note that RESNUCLE will give you the nuclei stopping in the
respective region and not the ones going through! To score alphas and
7Li's leaving the converter you can use a boundary crossing current
estimator (USRBDX).
As a more general comment, I would like to point out that comparing
different codes is a good practice, though not trivial to carry out.
And in such an exercise there is no reason to take the results of one of
the considered codes as unquestionable experimental data.
Best regards
Francesco Cerutti
CH-1211 Geneva 23
tel. ++41 22 7678962
fax ++41 22 7668854
On Mon, 18 Mar 2013, 파르자나아호마드 wrote:
> Dear Fluka Users,
> We want to simulate thermal neutrons via Boron-10 for the Gas Electron
> Multiplier using the FLUKA code.
> For the work, we have employed RESNUCLE For All, for the Low Energy and
> For Spallation processes.
> 1) However our results have some problem, i.e ., we are getting higher
> response for the thermal neutrons, for the converter
> thickness of 0.1 mciron to 50 micron. Even if we compare the results
> with GEANT4, FLUKA results are much higher than expected. Also the trend
> of the obtained results is different.
> 2) Similarly while we fixed the Converter thickness (3.0 Mico Meter) and
> then simulated it with thermal neutrons (~ 10 meV to 1.0 eV), the
> results found show muhc higher response almost 10 times of the GEANT4
> results.
> Please have a look into the attached file input file ,and please guide
> us , why we rae having this behavior.
> with regards,
> Jamil & Kim Hyeon Gi
> IAP, HEP Lab:
> Konkuk Univ.
> EMail:
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> IE5ldXRyb25zIERldGVjdGlvbiE=&to_email=fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org__________
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