Il 04/04/2013 10:00, Sudeshna Banerjee ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I am trying to run fluka with a geometry file for the CMS detector.
> But my batch jobs are failing after several hours. A core file is
> created but the *.err, *.out and *.log files do not show any error
> messages. The only error I see is in the batch job submission log
> file. It says -
> ======================= Running FLUKA for cycle # 1
> =======================
> /afs/ line
> 358: 5268 Bus error
> (core dumped) "${EXE}" < "$INPN" 2> "$LOGF" > "$LOGF"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> How do I find out what went wrong ?
> Also, is there a way to control the number of collisions that are
> generated ? I am guessing that if I can run the job for 1 or 2
> collisions, then I will not have to wait too long to find out if the
> job is going to fail.
> Thanks
> Sudeshna Banerjee
maybe you can try to find out what went wrong using the GNU debugger
gdb. You can find details in the ErrorsCrashes presentation in this link
(page 34),d.ZGU&cad=rja
I hope it will work,
Received on Thu Apr 04 2013 - 20:47:58 CEST