Dear all,
I am simulating neutrons passing through different media after
the available pointwise cross sections, but when I add 6Li, I get the error
**** Low energy neutron xsec not found for some media 9
10 ****
If I replace the material number 35 in
ASSIGNMA 35.0 8.0
with a different material number, the simulation runs.
The 10B gives no problem at all.
Do I make something wrong in the material definition of Li6, please?
Or is the problem somewhere else, please?
The input files are in attachment, and everything works with
root version 5.18/00 and fluka2011.2-linux-gfor64bit-gcc451-AA.tar.gz
Could anyone give a look, please?
Thank you,
Received on Sun Apr 28 2013 - 22:03:58 CEST