Sorry, but in order to compile the gfortran version of FLUKA you need
at least version 4.5 of gfortran. Previous versions miscompile some FLUKA routines.
Look at previous posts in the fluka-discuss archive about this topic.
If you solve this issue, please notice that there are two version of FLUKA for gfortran:
one for version 4.5 and one for versions greater or equal to 4.6
(because something changed internally in the compiler).
Furthermore you need to set environmental variable FLUFOR to gfortran
Read carefully the instructions in the README.
Giuseppe Battistoni
On 16/05/2013 21:46, "Márcio A. Müller" wrote:
> Hello.
> I am trying to install FLUKA 64 bits in my machine. I am using
> gfortran to compile, version 4.4, in my 10.04 Linux ubuntu. But
> FLUKA simply not install. When I give the "make" command, after a
> while the compiler stops and does not create the executable
> "flukahp". Anyone can help me to solve this?
> My machine configuration is 64 bits.
> Thanks in advance.
> Márcio Mülller
> Márcio A. Müller
> Pesquisador Colaborador
> Universidade Estadual de Campinas/UNICAMP
> Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin, Departamento de Raios Cósmicos e
> Cronologia, Sala 202.
> Ramal: 15533
INFN Sezione di Milano
via Celoria 16
tel +39 02 50317307
fax +39 02 60417624
Received on Fri May 17 2013 - 00:33:16 CEST