Thank You Sir. I have incorporated your comments as
1. Removed the USRDUMP card.
2. Sample the energy between 4.0E-6 and 9.81884E-5
3. do loop I=1,139
Thank you once agian for correcting my mistakes.
P K Sahani
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Alberto Fasso' <>wrote:
> Dear Sahani,
> Fluka is generating huge size file as XXXX_source, because you put in
> your input a command USERDUMP requesting to dump on a file called
> "source" all the source particles. With a run of 1.E7 particles, you get
> a file of 10 million records. And, as you say: "This file size go on
> increasing as we increase the histories".
> I don't know why you you have that command in input: but the program
> gives you exactly what you requested. Remove USERDUMP, and the file will
> disappear.
> Having said this, I must warn you that there are errors of logics in
> your source routine. These are not the cause of the huge file, but are
> probably affecting the results.
> 1) the energies of the spectrum read by your source go from 4.E-6 to
> 9.8E-5, but you sample the energy between 1.E-6 and 2.E-4, therefore in
> a wider interval. It is difficult to predict the effect of this.
> 2) you read EN(I), SPEC(I) (energies and spectral values) with I going
> from 1 to 140. But you assign a weight to the sampled energy as follows:
> DO 3 I = 1, 140
> For I = 140, I+1 is = 141, and you have not read a value for
> SPEC(141).
> The program doesn't crash because you have dimensioned EN and SPEC
> from 0 to 630, so SPEC(141) is a legal array member, but its value is
> undefined.
> Alberto
> On Sun, 19 May 2013, P K SAHANI wrote:
> > Dear Sir,
> > I am sending this personally to you as I found no reply to my
> query in
> > fluka discussion list. I am also attaching the input, source subroutine
> > and spectrum file with this mail. Please guide me.
> >
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > P K Sahani
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ____________________________________________________________________________
> > From: P K SAHANI []
> > Sent: 07 March 2013 07:49
> > To:
> > Subject: Souce routine creating bigsize files
> >
> > Dear Fluka users,
> > I am using source routine for synchrotron radiation spectrum dose
> > calculation This routine is the same as suggested by Mr. Alberto Fasso
> > (ref:
> >
> > My spectrum has 140 energies and simulating for 1e7 histories. Fluka
> > is generating huge size file as XXXX_source (720MB) for each cycle.
> > This file size go on increasing as we increase the histories. I want
> > to go for higher number of histories that too at minimum 5 cycle run.
> > So please suggest me to reduce the file size otherwise its difficult
> > to handle such big files in my PC.
> >
> >
> > Regards
> > P K Sahani
> --1334189000-1456032314-1369037486=:26906--
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<div>Thank You Sir. I have incorporated your comments as </div>
<div>1. Removed the USRDUMP card.</div>
<div>2.=A0Sample the energy between 4.0E-6 and 9.81884E-5</div>
<div>3. do loop I=3D1,139 </div>
<div>Thank you once agian for correcting my mistakes.</div>
<div>P K Sahani<br></div>
<div class=3D"gmail_quote">On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Alberto Fasso&#=
39; <span dir=3D"ltr"><<a href=3D"" target=
=3D"_blank"></a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote style=3D"BORDER-LEFT:#ccc 1px solid;MARGIN:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;PA=
DDING-LEFT:1ex" class=3D"gmail_quote">
<div class=3D"HOEnZb">
<div class=3D"h5">Dear Sahani,<br><br>Fluka is generating huge size file as=
XXXX_source, because you put in<br>your input a command USERDUMP requestin=
g to dump on a file called<br>"source" all the source particles. =
With a run of 1.E7 particles, you get<br>
a file of 10 million records. And, as you say: "This file size go on<b=
r>increasing as we increase the histories".<br>I don't know why yo=
u you have that command in input: but the program<br>gives you exactly what=
you requested. Remove USERDUMP, and the file will<br>
disappear.<br><br>Having said this, I must warn you that there are errors o=
f logics in<br>your source routine. These are not the cause of the huge fil=
e, but are<br>probably affecting the results.<br>1) the energies of the spe=
ctrum read by your source go from 4.E-6 to<br>
9.8E-5, but you sample the energy between 1.E-6 and 2.E-4, therefore in<br>=
a wider interval. It is difficult to predict the effect of this.<br><br>2) =
you read EN(I), SPEC(I) (energies and spectral values) with I going<br>
from 1 to 140. But you assign a weight to the sampled energy as follows:<br=
>=A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 DO 3 I =3D 1, 140<br>=A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0IF(ENERGY .GT.=
EN(I)) THEN<br>=A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 WEIGHT =3D HLFHLF*(SPEC(I)+SPEC=
(I+1))<br>=A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0END IF<br>=A0 =A03 =A0 =A0CONTINUE<br>
=A0 =A0 =A0For I =3D 140, I+1 is =3D 141, and you have not read a value for=
SPEC(141).<br>=A0 =A0 =A0The program doesn't crash because you have di=
mensioned EN and SPEC<br>from 0 to 630, so SPEC(141) is a legal array membe=
r, but its value is<br>
undefined.<br><br>Alberto<br><br><br>On Sun, 19 May 2013, P K SAHANI wrote:=
<br><br>> Dear Sir,<br>> =A0 =A0 =A0 I am sending this personally to =
you as I found no reply to my query in<br>> fluka discussion list. =A0 I=
am also attaching the input, source subroutine<br>
> and spectrum file with this mail. Please guide me.<br>><br>><br>=
> Regards<br>><br>> P K Sahani<br>><br>><br>><br>> ___=
> From: P K SAHANI [<a href=3D"">pksfluka_at_gmail=
.com</a>]<br>> Sent: 07 March 2013 07:49<br>> To: <a href=3D"mailto:f="></a><br>> Subject: Souce =
routine creating bigsize files<br>
><br>> Dear Fluka users,<br>> =A0 =A0 I am using source routine fo=
r synchrotron radiation spectrum dose<br>> calculation This routine is t=
he same as suggested by Mr. Alberto Fasso<br>> (ref:<br>> <a href=3D"=" targ=
> My spectrum has 140 energies and simulating for 1e7 histories. Fluka<b=
r>> is generating huge size file as XXXX_source (720MB) for each cycle.<=
br>> This file size go on increasing as we increase the histories. I wan=
> to go for higher number of histories that too at minimum 5 cycle run.<=
br>> So please suggest me to reduce the file size otherwise its difficul=
t<br>> to handle such big files in my PC.<br>><br>><br>> Regard=
> P K Sahani<br></div></div>--1334189000-1456032314-1369037486=3D:26906-=
Received on Tue May 21 2013 - 15:49:48 CEST