Re: [Fwd: Muon elastic scattering events]
Dear Andrey,
single scattering events are not flagged as elastic scattering. They are
handled by the transport routines as if they were "multiple scattering"
steps, the main entry MGDDRAW is called after them, with the new direction
cosines stored in the TRACKR common.
Please consider that your specific case needs probably more details. Large
angle scatterings are influenced by the nuclear form factor and by the
spin-relativistic corrections. Those can be enabled as for multiple
scattering with a standard MULSOPT card, HOWEVER, the default form factor
is maybe not accurate enough for your needs.A user-defind form factor can
be provided with the formfu.f user routine.
> Dear FLUKA experts,
> I need to study probability of muon elastic scattering with large angle
> (>20 mrad) in lead.
> I have a setup of muon beam passing though lead target.
> I want to observe muon elastic scattering events, using USRDRAW user
> routine. I removed all the binary output from mgdraw.f template file, and
> put simple text output to standart log unit, like this:
> WRITE(*,*)"usr=",ICODE," trk=",JTRACK
> Also I put
> MULSOPT 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.0
> 99999999.GLOBHAD
> as recommended in the manual, to substitute MCS with single scattering
> everywhere.
> In the output I get lots of delta-ray production e.t.c., but I do not get
> any elastic scatterin("usr= 100") in my output.
> Is single scattering supposed to trigger USRDRAW? Or is there any
> other way I could get information about single scattering events?
> Thank you in advance,
> Andrey Sheshukov.
> INFN, Sez. di Napoli
Paola Sala
INFN Milano
tel. Milano +39-0250317374
tel. CERN +41-227679148
Received on Mon May 27 2013 - 10:44:54 CEST
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