Dear FLUKA users and experts,
I found a similar fluka exercise and adapted in my source
routine. I think I made some progress in assigning UBEAM, VBEAM and
ZBEAM value. But still I don't see what I expect. My goal here is to
reproduce: if protons starting from a point source travel 200 cm, the
beam diverges in angle so that the cross section at 200 cm is 20X20
cm2 as I mentioned in my last email. I am looking forward for some
Attached is my updated input and source routine. Thanks in advance.
On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Mohammad Islam
<> wrote:
> Dear FLUKA users,
> I tried to compile a source routine for Gaussian beam distribution (in
> angle). This can be done using BEAM card but I am trying to reproduce
> using source routine what I see using the BEAM card. However, I am
> unable to see what I expect. Starting from a point source (0 cm
> diameter cross section), if a beam travels 200cm where the beam cross
> section is 20 cm diameter, the divergence can be calculated as 0.1
> rad. I am not sure how to use this value (0.1 rad) in UBEAM, VBEAM and
> WBEAM in FLUKA source routine. If I put this value directly, I get
> some weird results.I called FLNRRN for Gaussian distribution. XBEAM,
> YBEAM and ZBEAM (the central spot of the beam) is passed from the
> input.
> Also, instead of 20 cm diameter, if the cross section at 200 cm is
> 20X20 cm2, how can I incorporate this in the source routine. How can I
> visualize the profile.
> I attached my input and source routine. I know I am missing something
> fundamental that I should know but I am unable to detect that. I never
> worked on source routine and I am not familiar with Fortran. I believe
> it should be a simple problem for FLUKA expert. I would greatly
> appreciate any kind of help.
> Sincerely,
> Rafiq
Received on Thu Jun 27 2013 - 20:00:13 CEST