Hello all!
Many thanks, Alberto and Stefan
In attachment, you can see good spectrum in my case. it was counted by
Geant4. There are nice two peak. In my case, I have bad, first peak
(on LOW-NEUT curve).
I'm treining use USRTRACK, but spectrums are identical. Also, there is
absent a thermal evaporation peak, how it you can see on the spectrum
with low-mat.
Quoting Alberto Fasso' <fasso_at_mail.cern.ch>:
> Hi Anton,
> USRCOLL has a very limited range of application. It can be used only for
> neutrons (and indeed you used it for them) but it is very inefficient
> in low-density materials (and cannot be used at all in vacuum). You used
> it in air, which I would not recommend.
> In the cases where it can be used efficiently, it gives results identical
> to USRTRACK: therefore USRTRACK is to be preferred, because it can be
> applied to all particles, and it works even in vacuum.
> Alberto
> On Tue, 23 Jul 2013, Anton Artamonov wrote:
>> Hello all!
>> I am trying to compute secondary neutron fluence produced by primary
>> protons with given energy in a compound target with FLUKA 2011.2b.3
>> using FLAIR.
>> The USRCOLL is used in order to score the neutrons. A LOW-NEUT option
>> is applied. The geometry is rather simple, however there is a gap in
>> the computed spectrum, also spectrum is not realistic (Please see
>> attachment)
>> Please help me.
>> The input files is attached
Received on Wed Jul 31 2013 - 16:25:44 CEST