No! In the input file you sent, there were INDEED two materials:
1) CARBON. It is both: a Fluka material and also a low-energy neutron material.
2) GRAPHITE. It is a Fluka material, BUT NOT a low-energy neutron material.
Therefore, you don't need a LOW-MAT for CARBON, but you need one for
GRAPHITE. In this way, the cross sections used for low energy neutrons
in graphite, are those of carbon, identical to those of CARBON.
The two materials are different at the macroscopic level (e.g. they have a
different density), but are the same at the nuclear level (they have
the same microscopic cross sections).
You could also have several identical materials, but having for example
different thresholds for some effects. They will have different names, e.g.
IRON1, IRON2, IRON3... but they all have the same microscopic low-energy
neutron cross sections. Therefore you need a LOW-MAT card for each of them,
all pointing to the same FLUKA material IRON.
On Wed, 31 Jul 2013, wrote:
> Good evening,
> Now,in my input file, there are two materials.If material A is a Fluka
> material and also a low-energy neutron material,
> Meanwhile,material B is a Fluka material and also a low-energy neutron
> material,I don't know in the low-mat option,
> which should be assigned the Fluka material,which should be assigned
> the low-energy neutron material.
> Best wishes,
> Chenyuan
Received on Thu Aug 01 2013 - 09:53:20 CEST
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