I have solved the problem for run fluka via installing of new version. Now
it is all OK.
Concerning the reaction, I want know the production of "all radioisotopes"
by means the reaction (p,gamma), not exclusively the production of gamma
But in the example of Favio, the 57Co is a product (p,gamma),
56Fe(p,gamma)57Co, so in part, answered the question.
On the other hand, my really goal is know the induced activity for proton
on Palladium in the range energy below coulomb barrier. First, can Fluka
compute to this reactions type, below coulomb barrier?. I have tried
simulated this reaction for proton on Iron, but the response is null for
energy below 6 MeV. Second, I have followed the instruction of manual for
MATERIAL card, but I have not could define the paladium material.
thaks in advance.
2013/8/2 Alberto Fasso' <fasso_at_slac.stanford.edu>
> Hi,
> I think that the answer by Fabio Pozzi to Pablo Cesar Ortiz (included
> below)
> was wrong (or that the original question - also included below - was badly
> expressed).
> P.C. Ortiz asked about (p,gamma) reactions, while F. Pozzi answered about
> production of gamma emitters. These are not the same thing: (p,gamma)
> concerns prompt gammas, while gamma from gamma emitters are decay
> radiation.
> But maybe Ortiz meant the latter, since he was talking about RESNUCLEi?
> Concerning the last mail by Ortiz (No activacion001.err generated! etc.)
> such messages appear quite often when the user has made some trivial
> mistake.
> It is sufficient to look at the last lines of the *.out file, or at the
> first
> line of the *.log file.
> Look there, or send those files.
> Alberto
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 09:38:47 -0700
> From: PABLO CESAR ORTIZ <rapeitor_at_ug.uchile.cl>
> To: "fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org" <fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org>
> Subject: Fwd: Proton induce activity
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: PABLO CESAR ORTIZ <rapeitor_at_ug.uchile.cl>
> Date: 2013/7/31
> Subject: Re: Proton induce activity
> To: Fabio Pozzi <fabio.pozzi_at_cern.ch>
> Hi Fabio,
> I have been trying of running fluka but this not generated the output.
> Fluka
> send me the next message:
> Removing links
> Removing temporary files
> Saving output and random number seed
> No ranactivacion002 generated!
> No activacion001.err generated!
> Saving additional files generated
> No additional files to move
> End of FLUKA run
> I have not identifed the problem. My version of fluka is old (2011.2), but
> the last oportunity which used (1-2 month ago, when i sent the first mail
> to
> fluka-discuss) the program run ok.
> Thanks in advance.
> 2013/7/29 Fabio Pozzi <fabio.pozzi_at_cern.ch>
> Dear Pablo,
> The RESNUCLEi scoring card takes into account also the
> production of gamma emitters. I run very quickly your input
> files and with 1.0e6 primaries/cycle (1 cycle) I got in the
> output file (*.63) the activity of Co-57 (99% statistical
> error), which is a gamma emitter. Probably you were running with
> very low statistics (I saw in your input file ~ 5e3
> primaries/cycle).
> Kind Regards,
> Fabio
> From: PABLO CESAR ORTIZ [mailto:rapeitor_at_ug.uchile.cl]
> Sent: 29 July 2013 03:55
> To: Fabio Pozzi
> Subject: Re: Proton induce activity
> Hi Fabio,
> I have used Resnuclei scoring, i attached the imput.
> Thanks in advance
> 2013/7/26 Fabio Pozzi <fabio.pozzi_at_cern.ch>
> Dear Pablo,
> what kind of scoring card are you using? Could you please link your
> input file?
> Thank you.
> Fabio
> ______________________________**______________________________**
> ________________
> Da: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it [owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.**it<owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it>
> ]
> per conto di PABLO CESAR ORTIZ [rapeitor_at_ug.uchile.cl]
> Inviato: giovedì 4 luglio 2013 10.11
> A: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
> Oggetto: Proton induce activity
> Hi dear fluka user, I am a very beginnig fluka user with a problem. I
> am simuling a experiment of proton induce activity but the output only
> include (p,n) reaction and i wish get result for (p,gamma) reaction.
> Can i simulate this reaction type with FLUKA? How?
> thank!!
> --
> Pablo Ortiz Ramírez
> Licenciado en Física
> Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile
> Linux User #528950
> Ubuntu User #32991
Pablo Ortiz Ramírez
Licenciado en Física
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile
Linux User #528950
Ubuntu User #32991
Received on Tue Aug 06 2013 - 13:02:58 CEST