Dear Chenyuan
To define the mixture you want, you have to:
1. create the MATERIAL cards, of Deuteron and Triton. You need to provide the
- Z what(1)
- Density:what(3) (even if you don't assign this material to any region)
- A:what(6), name:sdum
Strongly recommended give them the same name as the neutron cross section libraries found
in the manual Chapter, DEUTERIU and TRITIUM.
2. create MATERIAL card for the compound. You need to give
- Density: what(3)
- Name: sdum - anything you like and is accepted by FLUKA. Not empty
3. create one or many COMPOUND cards as you did with the same NAME as the MATERIAL before #2
From: [] on behalf of []
Sent: 09 August 2013 05:05
To: fluka-discuss
Subject: How to define a mixture of different isotopes?
Good morning,
Now,I have a problem to define a mixture of different isotopes.Please look at my input file bjuc.txt.In the Fluka,I want to define
Deuteron and Triton mixture.If I assume,the atomic ratio of Deuteron is 58%,and the atomic ratio of Triton is 42%.After running,.err
file shows "Nonsense compound,fraction 0.58 of medium 26 for compound".Meanwhile,I don't know how to define the name of DT
mixture.So,in the input file,I leave it blank.In a word,How to define DT mixture?
Best regards,
Received on Fri Aug 09 2013 - 21:01:23 CEST