Re: [fluka-discuss]: Writting SOURCE user routine generating from file with mixture of particles?

From: Mina Nozar <>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 11:27:06 -0800

On 13-11-13 02:09 AM, Alberto Fasso' wrote:

> 2) read COSX, COSY and COSZ, calculate COSNEW as
> SQRT(ONEONE - COSX**2 - COSY**2), give it the sign of COSZ
> using the Fortran function SIGN(COSNEW,COSZ), and set COSZ = COSNEW
> Alberto

Dear Alberto,
  READ(47,*,END=501) Ipart(i), X(i), Y(i), Z(i),
      & CosX(i), CosY(i), CosZ(i), Energy(i), Weight(i)
          END DO

       TXFLK(NPFLKA) = CosX(line)
       TYFLK(NPFLKA) = CosY(line)

       COSNEW = SQRT(ONEONE - CosX(line)**2 - CosY(line)**2)
       COSNEW = SIGN(COSNEW,CosZ(line))

Now, I just have to re-generate the data from step one and re-do step
two. I do have a question on normalization for step two but I will ask
that later.

Best wishes,
Received on Wed Nov 13 2013 - 21:07:48 CET

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