Re: Re: [fluka-discuss]: Tally segment like MCNP

From: Alberto Fasso' <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 11:03:35 +0100

There is also another way, but it requires too the writing of a user routine.
Define as many identical USRBDX detectors as the number of the radial bins you
want, where the scoring surface is the boundary between two regions, as usual.
Write a fluscw.f routine where you score only in one of those detectors
depending on the distance between the crossing point and the center of
the desired surface binning.
Put in input a command USERWEIG with WHAT(3) = 3.

I warn you, however, that kind of solution is only recommended to an
advanced user with good programming skills.
You can find a description of the fluscw.f routine in the manual,
section 13.2.6.


On Mon, 18 Nov 2013, Vittorio Boccone wrote:

> Dear Yuanjie,
> apologize I was not clear enough. Yes you need to segment it over
> if you need the double differential current as a function of the
> position on the cylinder.
> Alternatively you can use the USERDUMP/mgdraw.f to save energy
> coordinates and direction cosines of the particle(s) you are
> interested in.
> Not sure what I can suggest you as I don’t know the details of
> your simulation.
> Best
> V.
Received on Mon Nov 18 2013 - 11:48:41 CET

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