*$ CREATE MGDRAW.FOR *COPY MGDRAW * * *=== mgdraw ===========================================================* * * SUBROUTINE MGDRAW ( ICODE, MREG ) INCLUDE '(DBLPRC)' INCLUDE '(DIMPAR)' INCLUDE '(IOUNIT)' * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Copyright (C) 1990-2006 by Alfredo Ferrari * * All Rights Reserved. * * * * * * MaGnetic field trajectory DRAWing: actually this entry manages * * all trajectory dumping for * * drawing * * * * Created on 01 march 1990 by Alfredo Ferrari * * INFN - Milan * * Last change 05-may-06 by Alfredo Ferrari * * INFN - Milan * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * INCLUDE '(CASLIM)' INCLUDE '(COMPUT)' INCLUDE '(SOURCM)' INCLUDE '(FHEAVY)' INCLUDE '(FLKSTK)' INCLUDE '(GENSTK)' INCLUDE '(MGDDCM)' INCLUDE '(PAPROP)' INCLUDE '(QUEMGD)' INCLUDE '(SUMCOU)' INCLUDE '(TRACKR)' * DIMENSION DTQUEN ( MXTRCK, MAXQMG ) * CHARACTER*20 FILNAM LOGICAL LFCOPE SAVE LFCOPE DATA LFCOPE / .FALSE. / DATA RdErth/637814000./ * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Icode = 1: call from Kaskad * * Icode = 2: call from Emfsco * * Icode = 3: call from Kasneu * * Icode = 4: call from Kashea * * Icode = 5: call from Kasoph * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * IF ( .NOT. LFCOPE ) THEN LFCOPE = .TRUE. IF ( KOMPUT .EQ. 2 ) THEN FILNAM = '/'//CFDRAW(1:8)//' DUMP A' ELSE FILNAM = CFDRAW END IF OPEN ( UNIT = IODRAW, FILE = FILNAM, STATUS = 'NEW', FORM = & 'UNFORMATTED' ) END IF d WRITE (IODRAW) NTRACK, MTRACK, JTRACK, SNGL (ETRACK), d & SNGL (WTRACK) d WRITE (IODRAW) ( SNGL (XTRACK (I)), SNGL (YTRACK (I)), d & SNGL (ZTRACK (I)), I = 0, NTRACK ), d & ( SNGL (DTRACK (I)), I = 1, MTRACK ), d & SNGL (CTRACK) * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Quenching is activated d IF ( LQEMGD ) THEN d IF ( MTRACK .GT. 0 ) THEN d RULLL = ZERZER d CALL QUENMG ( ICODE, MREG, RULLL, DTQUEN ) d WRITE (IODRAW) ( ( SNGL (DTQUEN (I,JBK)), I = 1, MTRACK ), d & JBK = 1, NQEMGD ) d END IF d END IF * | End of quenching * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* RETURN * *======================================================================* * * * Boundary-(X)crossing DRAWing: * * * * Icode = 1x: call from Kaskad * * 19: boundary crossing * * Icode = 2x: call from Emfsco * * 29: boundary crossing * * Icode = 3x: call from Kasneu * * 39: boundary crossing * * Icode = 4x: call from Kashea * * 49: boundary crossing * * Icode = 5x: call from Kasoph * * 59: boundary crossing * * * *======================================================================* * * ENTRY BXDRAW ( ICODE, MREG, NEWREG, XSCO, YSCO, ZSCO ) d IF(NEWREG.eq.1) then if(jtrack.gt.-7.and.jtrack.ne.-2) then WRITE(99,100) mreg,NEWREG,jtrack,etrack-am(jtrack),CXTRCK, & CYTRCK,CZTRCK,XSCO,YSCO,ZSCO,Wscrng,atrack endif d endif RETURN 100 FORMAT ('S',2(1X,I3),1X,I4,4(1X,E12.5),3(1X,F13.0), &1X,E11.6,1X,E13.6) RETURN * *======================================================================* * * * Event End DRAWing: * * * *======================================================================* * * ENTRY EEDRAW ( ICODE ) RETURN * *======================================================================* * * * ENergy deposition DRAWing: * * * * Icode = 1x: call from Kaskad * * 10: elastic interaction recoil * * 11: inelastic interaction recoil * * 12: stopping particle * * 13: pseudo-neutron deposition * * 14: escape * * 15: time kill * * Icode = 2x: call from Emfsco * * 20: local energy deposition (i.e. photoelectric) * * 21: below threshold, iarg=1 * * 22: below threshold, iarg=2 * * 23: escape * * 24: time kill * * Icode = 3x: call from Kasneu * * 30: target recoil * * 31: below threshold * * 32: escape * * 33: time kill * * Icode = 4x: call from Kashea * * 40: escape * * 41: time kill * * 42: delta ray stack overflow * * Icode = 5x: call from Kasoph * * 50: optical photon absorption * * 51: escape * * 52: time kill * * * *======================================================================* * * ENTRY ENDRAW ( ICODE, MREG, RULL, XSCO, YSCO, ZSCO ) d IF ( .NOT. LFCOPE ) THEN d LFCOPE = .TRUE. d IF ( KOMPUT .EQ. 2 ) THEN d FILNAM = '/'//CFDRAW(1:8)//' DUMP A' d ELSE d FILNAM = CFDRAW d END IF d OPEN ( UNIT = IODRAW, FILE = FILNAM, STATUS = 'NEW', FORM = d & 'UNFORMATTED' ) d END IF d WRITE (IODRAW) 0, ICODE, JTRACK, SNGL (ETRACK), SNGL (WTRACK) d WRITE (IODRAW) SNGL (XSCO), SNGL (YSCO), SNGL (ZSCO), SNGL (RULL) * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Quenching is activated : calculate quenching factor * | and store quenched energy in DTQUEN(1, jbk) d IF ( LQEMGD ) THEN d RULLL = RULL d CALL QUENMG ( ICODE, MREG, RULLL, DTQUEN ) d WRITE (IODRAW) ( SNGL (DTQUEN(1, JBK)), JBK = 1, NQEMGD ) d END IF * | end quenching * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* RETURN * *======================================================================* * * * SOurce particle DRAWing: * * * *======================================================================* * ENTRY SODRAW d IF ( .NOT. LFCOPE ) THEN d LFCOPE = .TRUE. d IF ( KOMPUT .EQ. 2 ) THEN d FILNAM = '/'//CFDRAW(1:8)//' DUMP A' d ELSE d FILNAM = CFDRAW d END IF d OPEN ( UNIT = IODRAW, FILE = FILNAM, STATUS = 'NEW', FORM = d & 'UNFORMATTED' ) d END IF d WRITE (IODRAW) -NCASE, NPFLKA, NSTMAX, SNGL (TKESUM), d & SNGL (WEIPRI) * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | (Radioactive) isotope: it works only for 1 source particle on * | the stack for the time being d IF ( ILOFLK (NPFLKA) .GE. 100000 .AND. LRADDC (NPFLKA) ) THEN d IARES = MOD ( ILOFLK (NPFLKA), 100000 ) / 100 d IZRES = MOD ( ILOFLK (NPFLKA), 10000000 ) / 100000 d IISRES = ILOFLK (NPFLKA) / 10000000 d IONID = ILOFLK (NPFLKA) d WRITE (IODRAW) ( IONID,SNGL(-TKEFLK(I)), d & SNGL (WTFLK(I)), SNGL (XFLK (I)), d & SNGL (YFLK (I)), SNGL (ZFLK (I)), d & SNGL (TXFLK(I)), SNGL (TYFLK(I)), d & SNGL (TZFLK(I)), I = 1, NPFLKA ) * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Patch for heavy ions: it works only for 1 source particle on * | the stack for the time being d ELSE IF ( ABS (ILOFLK (NPFLKA)) .GE. 10000 ) THEN d IONID = ILOFLK (NPFLKA) d CALL DCDION ( IONID ) d WRITE (IODRAW) ( IONID,SNGL(TKEFLK(I)+AMNHEA(-IONID)), d & SNGL (WTFLK(I)), SNGL (XFLK (I)), d & SNGL (YFLK (I)), SNGL (ZFLK (I)), d & SNGL (TXFLK(I)), SNGL (TYFLK(I)), d & SNGL (TZFLK(I)), I = 1, NPFLKA ) * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Patch for heavy ions: ??? d ELSE IF ( ILOFLK (NPFLKA) .LT. -6 ) THEN d WRITE (IODRAW) ( IONID,SNGL(TKEFLK(I)+AMNHEA(-ILOFLK(NPFLKA))), d & SNGL (WTFLK(I)), SNGL (XFLK (I)), d & SNGL (YFLK (I)), SNGL (ZFLK (I)), d & SNGL (TXFLK(I)), SNGL (TYFLK(I)), d & SNGL (TZFLK(I)), I = 1, NPFLKA ) * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | d ELSE d WRITE (IODRAW) ( ILOFLK(I), SNGL (TKEFLK(I)+AM(ILOFLK(I))), d & SNGL (WTFLK(I)), SNGL (XFLK (I)), d & SNGL (YFLK (I)), SNGL (ZFLK (I)), d & SNGL (TXFLK(I)), SNGL (TYFLK(I)), d & SNGL (TZFLK(I)), I = 1, NPFLKA ) d END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* RETURN * *======================================================================* * * * USer dependent DRAWing: * * * * Icode = 10x: call from Kaskad * * 100: elastic interaction secondaries * * 101: inelastic interaction secondaries * * 102: particle decay secondaries * * 103: delta ray generation secondaries * * 104: pair production secondaries * * 105: bremsstrahlung secondaries * * 110: decay products * * Icode = 20x: call from Emfsco * * 208: bremsstrahlung secondaries * * 210: Moller secondaries * * 212: Bhabha secondaries * * 214: in-flight annihilation secondaries * * 215: annihilation at rest secondaries * * 217: pair production secondaries * * 219: Compton scattering secondaries * * 221: photoelectric secondaries * * 225: Rayleigh scattering secondaries * * Icode = 30x: call from Kasneu * * 300: interaction secondaries * * Icode = 40x: call from Kashea * * 400: delta ray generation secondaries * * For all interactions secondaries are put on GENSTK common (kp=1,np) * * but for KASHEA delta ray generation where only the secondary elec- * * tron is present and stacked on FLKSTK common for kp=npflka * * * *======================================================================* * ENTRY USDRAW ( ICODE, MREG, XSCO, YSCO, ZSCO ) d IF ( .NOT. LFCOPE ) THEN d LFCOPE = .TRUE. d IF ( KOMPUT .EQ. 2 ) THEN d FILNAM = '/'//CFDRAW(1:8)//' DUMP A' d ELSE d FILNAM = CFDRAW d END IF d OPEN ( UNIT = IODRAW, FILE = FILNAM, STATUS = 'NEW', FORM = d & 'UNFORMATTED' ) d END IF * No output by default: RETURN *=== End of subrutine Mgdraw ==========================================* END