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FLUKA: 1.6} Scoring Previous Index Next

1.6} Scoring


  * Star density by producing particle and region.
  * Energy density by region, total or from electrons/photons only.
  * Star, energy and momentum transfer density and specific activity in a
    geometry-independent binning structure (Cartesian or cylindrical),
    averaged over the run or event by event.
  * Energy deposition weighted by a quenching factor (Birks law).
  * Step size independent of bin size.
  * Time window.
  * Coincidences and anti-coincidences.
  * Fluence and current scoring as a function of energy and angle, via
    boundary-crossing, collision and track-length estimators coincident with
    regions or region boundaries.
  * Dose Equivalent via boundary-crossing, collision and track-length
    estimators coincident with regions or region boundaries, convoluted with
    conversion coefficients or obtained multiplying doses by a LET-dependent
    quality factor.
  * Track-length fluence or Dose Equivalent in a binning structure (Cartesian
    or cylindrical) independent of geometry.
  * Particle yield from a target or differential cross section with respect to
    several different kinematic variables.
  * Residual nuclei.
  * Fission density.
  * Momentum transfer density.
  * Neutron balance.
  * No limit to the number of detectors and binnings within the total memory
    available (but a maximum number must be fixed at compilation time).
  * Energy deposition can be scored on option disregarding the particle
    weights (useful for studying computer performance, etc.)
  * All quantities from radioactive decay of residual nuclei can be scored
    according to user-defined irradiation and cooling time profiles.

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