------------------ While FLUKA86-87 was essentially a specialised program to calculate shielding of high energy proton accelerators, the present version can be regarded as a general purpose tool for an extended range of applications. In addition to traditional target design and shielding, applications are now spanning from calorimetry to prediction of activation, radiation damage, isotope transmutation, dosimetry and detector studies. Prediction of radiation damage has always been a traditional field of application of FLUKA, restricted however in earlier versions to hadron damage to accelerator components. The new capability to deal with the low-energy neutron component of the cascade has extended the field of interest to include electronics and other sensitive detector parts. In addition, radiation damage calculations and shielding design are not limited to proton accelerators any longer, but include electron accelerators of any energy, photon factories, and any kind of radiation source, be it artificial or natural. The present version of FLUKA has been used successfully in such diverse domains as background studies for underground detectors, cosmic ray physics, shielding of synchrotron radiation hutches, calculation of dose received by aircraft crews, evaluation of organ dose in a phantom due to external radiation, detector design for radiation protection as well as for high energy physics, electron, proton and heavy ion radiotherapy, nuclear transmutation, neutrino physics, shielding of free-electron lasers, calculation of tritium production at electron accelerators, energy amplifiers, maze design for medical accelerators, etc.